Last November, Jocelyn Becker and I kicked off Pandemic Parties – a fundraising program to raise money for Doctors Without Borders to help them with their fight against Ebola.
We raised just over $50,000 in three months at over 120 parties in over 20 countries. As we wrap up the program, I thought I'd compile some of the photos we received from the parties around the world.
A heartfelt thanks to everyone who hosted, attended, and donated!
— Matt and Jos
The Tokyo parties featured costumes and beautiful chocolates.
入賞したので商品ゲット! #pandemicparties
Ken, Jos, Matt, and Donna at Game Kastle in Santa Clara
It’s on. #pandemicparties
We got these wonderfully random photos from folks like Jorge Garcia (Hurley from Lost). The blue gloves were a nice touch.
Our cookies gradually became more elaborate. We learned the day-glow green biohazard symbols weren't nearly as appetizing as the MSF worker-meeple cookies. (Who would have guessed?)
Rich Sommer helped organize a party at GameHäus Café that got some great Voice of America coverage
Thanks to everyone who helped us help Doctors Without Borders!
And to cap it all off, Vital Pact put together this thank you video for all the work the partiers did to help MSF.