Bits and pieces from dozens of iterations of the Thunderbirds board game
Chris Birch of Modiphius has agreed to try out a little experiment for the Thunderbirds kickstarter with me. Since we still have a few weeks to polish up the game a bit, we thought we'd lift the veil and share the rules as I edit them in Google Docs and have them open for comment.
Now, mind you, this is the raw text that describes how the game works. It's unvarnished and unillustrated, with diagrams drawn by yours, truly. Michal Cross will be coming in to do his part and make the whole package look fantastic.
So, with that caveat in mind, I've unlocked the Cahelium-lined vault and put the rules online.
If you have any comments, feel free to leave them below or add them directly to the document—but note, that I'll be resolving most of the comments in the document as they come in to keep it readable.
I hope you enjoy our experiment and the early look into the rules and thanks for your interest!